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Student Council

Student Council


The mission of the Downtown School Student Council is to build responsible student leaders within our school community and promote the values that represent an exceptional character in all students.

We will accomplish this mission through:

Leading by example in our classrooms and community by just being respectful, responsible, and safe.
Helping others in our community by engaging in volunteer work.
Engaging our friends and classmates in their education and encouraging positive peer relations.
Serving as a source of communication between the students and faculty of the school.

Student Council is for current 7th – 8th-grade students that have a desire to be a voice for their fellow peers. To run for any office, students must maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. with no grade lower than a "C" in any subject. Students must maintain a "B" in conduct or higher throughout their year in office. Students must attend all monthly meetings. Students must not receive any office discipline referrals. They must be elected into office by their peers. Students must be an active member of the Leadership Academy.


Advisors: Mrs. Cervantes and Mrs. Reyes