Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Discipline Plan
The discipline goal at Downtown School is to promote a school atmosphere conducive to learning and to the safety and welfare of Downtown students and staff. The staff and students at Downtown School, believe that everyone has the right to be educated in a safe and friendly environment. To accomplish this, we will practice the 5 BCSD Character Expectations:
1. Be Respectful - Show respect for people and property.
2. Be Responsible - Be trustworthy and accountable.
3. Be Safe - Make decisions that ensure that you and all others are safe.
4. Be Ready to Learn - Use our time wisely to ensure that we are always prepared and learning.
5. Be Cooperative - Work together and follow directions without negotiation.
Student Discipline Code
In carrying out the district's discipline code, the school staff shall base their decision on the severity of the infraction and other information available at the school site and draw upon appropriate resources of the District. The school disciplinarian will use the district developed discipline code for guidance in administering a safe and appropriate program for all children. Successful student behavior results when all members of the educational team participate including the child, the parent, the teacher and the principal.
Please refer to the BCSD Guide for Parents and Students for additional information.
General Rules and Regulations
- Students will comply with the regulations of the District and the school, pursue the required course of study, and respect the authority of all adults on campus.
- Students will arrive to class on time and prepared to learn each day.
- Students will respect all physical properties of the school, including the proper care of buildings, furniture, books, supplies and equipment.
- Students will address all school personnel in a respectful manner.
- Students will give courteous attention when anyone is addressing the class.
- Students will request permission to speak during class activities.
- Students will not engage in activities that endanger their own health or the health or safety of others.
- Students will not wear hats.
- Students will not bring toys, etc. to school. All items brought to school are the responsibility of the student. The school cannot be held responsible for lost, broken, or stolen items. Disruptive items will be confiscated and returned only to the parents.
- Cell phones must be turned off and in backpacks. Cell phones may not be used at school. Violation will result in the cell phone being confiscated and returned only to the parents.
- Parents will be responsible for the willful misbehavior of their children.
Cafeteria Rules
- Behave appropriately and use good manners when eating in the cafeteria.
- Enter and leave the cafeteria in an orderly manner.
- Use whisper voices when speaking to neighbors.
- Clean the area before leaving the cafeteria.
School Playground Rules
- Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
- Treat all adults with respect by following directions the first time they are given.
- Use equipment in an appropriate and safe manner.
- Seek out an adult to help solve disagreements.
- Stop playing when the bell rings and walk to the line-up area for your class.
- Students are to walk around the flowerbeds, not through them.
- Classrooms are off-limits unless accompanied by an adult.
- Picnic tables are not playground equipment.
- Four square and basketballs are allowed on the black top. All other balls must be played with on the grass area.
- The bars are to be used from north to south.
These Are Prohibited:
- Running on asphalt areas (except the track area).
- Climbing fences
- Throwing any objects other than balls.
- Kicking balls against fences or buildings.
- Riding tricycles into fences or buildings.
- Climbing on or swinging from trees.
- Playing ball near a building
- Playing in between buildings
- Fighting, including play fighting
- Name-calling
- Playing in drinking fountains and restrooms
- Students are to keep both hands on bars at all times – NO CHERRY DROPS! No climbing or sitting on top of bars
- Rough playing, piling, or jumping on other students
- Writing or drawing on any school property
Positive Consequences
The Downtown Elementary School staff provides frequent positive reinforcements to students who behave appropriately. We make ourselves visible and we repeatedly catch students being good. We strive to create a positive environment throughout our school. Positive reinforcements are provided to students, groups of students, or to an entire class. The reinforcements can be in the form of:
- Praise
- Awards
- Positive notes to parents
- Positive phone calls to parents
- Special privileges
- Honor Hour